Saturday, November 17, 2007

Remembering to Write

Today I opened an email from someone I met last week. We only spoke for an instant (well for the sake of not exaggerating let's say we spoke for about 5 to 7 minutes). It was a sweet connection. The kind that isn't born of having things in common as much as sharing a heart. Somehow knowing each other. And then that moment passes, and we each moved on into our busy lives. We could have just forgotten each other, or, alternatively, one, or both of us, could find the way to connect again. And today, I opened this email. From her. It was short and simple, and brimming over with love and the kind of intimacy that cancer accidentally creates.

She wanted me to know how much of an impact on her I had had. She had visited my website, and read my blog. She was touched by my most recent post Heroic?. Wow. Wow because it meant so much that she took the time to write and tell me. And wow because I forget that my writing is good and that is matters.

Sometimes I forget to write. Or assume no one is reading. Or assume it doesn't make any difference, so why bother. And then I get this. In my inbox. Letting me know it matters, and someone is reading, and what I am writing is reaching people and touching lives. I need to know that. Or I stop writing. And getting her note had me go back and read what I wrote and notice that it is good, and it is of service. You see I need to write, for her sake, and mine. Because when I write I get filled up. And released at the same time. I have about half a dozen unfinished blog posts from the last few months. I don't finish them because I think... why bother? What difference does it make. Well it mattered to her. And that is enough.

Thanks for letting me know.