Friday, July 28, 2006

More Time Off

Yes, it is happening again, I am heading out of town for a bit (I am off to a leadership retreat in California - out in the woods somewhere, being deeply transformed, and all that good stuff), and won't have access to a computer until my return (that is provided they let me across the US border, otherwise I will be back and ranting about it in, well, no time flat, so wish me luck, for all our sakes). So sit tight, I promise I will be back, and hopefully all fired up and full of new inspiration.

Have a good week and a half, and enjoy my birthday, and I will "see" you in soon.


At 6:52 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you back yet!? ;) No, of course not, it hasn't been long enough! Just wanted you to know I am missing your posts- your insight into the world.
I feel like a kid in the back seat: are we there yet!?
Hope you arrive safe and sound and have had a fabulous trip.

At 8:14 PM PDT, Blogger Darran Frisby said...

Just thought of you Signey...hope all is well in your world Bella~

Safe journey home!

At 4:11 PM PDT, Blogger Signy said...

You are both so sweet.

Yes, I am finally back (so to speak, more on that later, when I post). And will hope to get back at it all soon.


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